Dashy News Brief for Restaurants and Bars - February 9, 2021

Every week we roundup the most relevant headlines to restaurants and bars. If you would like to receive this roundup in your inbox click here to subscribe.

Restaurant and Bar News Roundup

1. Uber for Everything - Delivery apps are branching out - NYT: Link

2. US Senate update on $15 Minimum Wage - Eater: Link

3. The Presidio’s Arguello and Commissary officially close - SF Chron - Link

4. Rules on California Small Business COVID relief - GG Rest Blog - Link

1. Uber for Everything - Delivery apps are branching out

Gig delivery companies want to delivery everything. The NYT explores the implications Link

2. US Senate update on $15 Minimum wage

The $15 minimum wage is all the talk around Washington. Senators added an amendment to the Biden stimulus package stating that they would not increase the federal minimum wage during the pandemic, but that doesn't mean the story is over. Link

3. The Presidio's Arguello and Commissary are officially closed

Renowned San Francisco chef Traci Des Jardins’ Presidio restaurants, the Commissary and Arguello, have closed their doors permanently. Link

4. See the rules on CA Small Business COVID relief

The Golden Gate Restaurant Association blog outlines the rules for California's Small Business COVID-19 Relief Grant Program. Link

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