Insights & Reports

Dynamic reports, customized for your operations

Save the equivalent of a full-time data analyst with automated insights and reports that help you uncover cost control opportunities across your operation.
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Store Comparisons

Stop endless hours of data downloads merging of data sources. We put the top operating metrics for all your stores on one screen.
  • Quick comparisons of store performance on key operating metrics
  • Easily drill down into top spend items for each location to identify cost drivers
  • Filter data by store, region, managers, or any custom dimensions you can concieve
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Restaurant operations and location comparison report

Price Change Reports

We track your individual product purchases and help you easily identify price changes that will impact your P&L
  • Automatic tracking of price changes
  • Easily filterable and sortable reports
  • Flexible date selectors and comparison period controls
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Spend Category Reports

We automatically categorize every line item of spending to help you drill down into your biggest opportunites for savings
  • Line item level detail for all your restaurant supply spending
  • Customizable to your chain or groups exisiting spend categories or GL Coding
  • Dynamic drill downs and filters for faster analysis
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Restaurant operations and location comparison report

Other Key Reporting Features

We have dozens of ways for you to identify new profit driving strategies

  • Distribution center compare report
  • Custom segmentations and data tags
  • Top item spend report
  • Item price histories
  • Multi-location compare
  • Supply price benchmarking report
  • Invoice auditing and price verification
  • Custom reports based on your unique needs
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How does it work?

Learn how Dashy Dash works with a 2 minute video from our CEO.